About Dr. Bala

RF Excited Fractional CO2 Laser

Fractional CO2 Laser is an ultra-precise computer-controlled method for removing lesions, treating acne scars and melasmas, and skin rejuvenation without the risk of burning surrounding skin. The method is best for treating warts, moles, and syringomas as well as for better looking skin with smaller pores.

The high-tech procedure works by having the RF CO2 Fractional Laser System fire a laser beam through a RF CO2 Tube that splits the beam into many microscopic beams, each tinier than a dot of CO2 laser, that hits only the treatment zones of the skin, leaving the rest intact and unharmed. Hence, laser heat goes only deeply through this factional damaged area thereby allowing skin to heal faster than when the whole area is treated.

Best results follow after having 5 to 6 sessions, spaced 3 to 4 weeks in between, of the 30-minute procedure—which as treatment progresses may require topical anesthesia and sedatives to dull the pain—that lets your skin produce more collagen as the skin self-resurfaces in the skin rejuvenation process, making you look much healthier and younger than ever.

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