About Dr. Bala

HCG Diet Injections

Human Chorionic Gonadotripin Diet Injections is a procedure that involves the injection of the HCG solution for 24 to 40 days complemented with a 500 to 800 calorie diet and a moderate exercise regimen to effect weight loss and facilitate weight management.

Regimen results in an average weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per day—more on a very low calorie diet—that entails increased energy with no nervousness and with less irritability, clearer though processes, and improved sleep at night. The dieter likewise feels less hungry and does not tremble, grow dizzy, or get weak when hunger strikes. Treatment involves a regimen that involves combining daily Metasustanil sublingual drops—after breakfast for six days straight with one rest day—with weekly Metaslim vitamin shots for optimum results.

The duration of the treatment, which entails regular weight monitoring, depends on your needs as well as your doctor’s recommendations.

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