About Dr. Bala

L-carnitine Injections

L-carnitine Injections speed up the body’s metabolism by helping it turn body fat into energy thereby effecting greater weight loss in less time. This vital amino acid primes up muscles for exercise, delays fatigue and improves endurance, optimizes the use of fats as an energy source for the body, and ensures normal heart functions.

Supplement L-carnitine results in improved energy supply, increased use of fatty acids as an energy source, decreased lactate buildup, and a significant increase in maximum work output.

L-carnitine is injected at 3mL per 100kg bodyweight by intravenous or intramuscular injection 2 to 3 times a week with the final dose given 4 to 6 hours before hard or fast work. Followups are often preferred at pre-event to optimize blood levels.

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